by Marshall Roberts | Apr 19, 2017 | News, Useful info
I maxed out my 40GB residential data allowance this month. Mainly on Monday. When I wasn’t using my computer. So I contacted my ISP. Two days later, they called me, to explain that while I’d been accessing unmetered content heavily over Easter (guilty...
by Marshall Roberts | Jan 8, 2015 | News
I’ve just added a shopping cart to the website of Tasiliquidgold – “The Honey Pot”. While these guys initially thought they wouldn’t have much call for online shopping, their customers thought otherwise. So, rather than doing everything...
by Marshall Roberts | Nov 8, 2014 | News
I’ve offered a website as an item in the 2014 Taroona Primary School online Christmas auction. The short story is I’m offering website development up to a value of around $2000-$3000, minus all the recurrent/ongoing costs involved in having a website. The...
by Marshall Roberts | Nov 8, 2014 | News
I’ve finally added a blog to my own website. You’re reading it. I plan to use this area for news and also to include some articles that might be useful for other people in the crazy world of IT – such as when I find a “gotcha” in...